Regimen general de las obligaciones ospina hernandez pdf
Regimen general de las obligaciones ospina hernandez pdf

7/ /fort-worth-diocese-settles-another.html USA BBC documentary "Guinea Pig Kids" evidences the 23,000 "orphans" from Catholic orphanges in New York used in human experiments/clinical trials. Andrew Greely estimates that exist 100, ,000 victims of sex abuse by Catholic priests in Baltimore, Maryland. USA 250,000 Children falsely classified 'orphans' and submitted in "Orphan Trains" and "Mercy Trains" - trains that would sell children into adoption or for child labor /2011/07/religious-orphan-trains-in-usa-devious.html USA According to this Preliminary Expert Report (1996), the average pedophile has 250 or more victims over his lifetime. This crime was committed in Catholic Mother-Baby Homes/Maternity Homes across the U.S. This scheme was executed by religious and aproved by the government /life-etc/culture-causes/baby-scoop-era-women-forced-give-their-babies USA Documentary presented by ""Dan Rather Reports" details how over 1 milllion women were coerced by nuns to give up their babies, whom the Vatican then sold in illegitimate adoptions for astronomical profits. Country Quantity Type of abuse committed by the Vatican USA 4,000,000 Baby Scoop Era: newborns forcibly surrendered by their unwed mothers, who were considered to be psychologically deficient for being single. Thus, we conclude that the total cases detailed below are merely a fraction of the crimes committed by the Vatican around the world. 10% of victims actually speak out, and of those, only 10% make it to the court system. 1 Organized Crime Implemented Globally by the Vatican - Victims Worldwide Legend: - Statistic added this week Presented by: THE PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FOUNDATION Last Update: Novem* * * This chart is being updated daily, please bear with us as we work to upload each crime scheme as soon as possible * * * IMPORTANT NOTICE: * The following data includes cases that governments and courts have published, processed and cases that are being currently investigated.

Regimen general de las obligaciones ospina hernandez pdf